Hi, I'm Justine, and I'm grateful you're here


Relationship-Based Leadership Expert.

So who am I? I wanted to be a criminal psychologist (I've always been fascinated with human behaviour), decided to be a secretary and hated it. After being made redundant within a year I tried out hospitality until I came across human resources and fell in love.

So I took myself off to uni. After uni I found it hard to get the right job so went backpacking in Europe. The Guardian Newspaper London was my first real HR role.

Back in Australia and in my late 20s I took contract roles to fast-track my career which landed me in my first HR State Management role before I was 30.

When my mum was diagnosed with cancer, I took a sideways move to help care for her. It was one of the best things I ever did because I found coaching with Comm Bank.

After a number of HR roles (grab my bio for more details) I jumped into operations management to challenge myself. And to test out what I had been preaching in HR. I wanted to see if it worked.

That experience made me simplify things and focus on the handful of things that actually made a difference. I realised that trust and relationships were key to getting teams to succeed. Along with having a system so that you could juggle all the balls without burning out.

I know that leading people can be challenging, stressful, and lots of work. It is also incredibly rewarding and enables you to have influence and impact beyond what is possible as a sole contributor.

As Featured In

When you work with me, expect me to live my values:

Integrity - This is how I aim to show up every day. Doing what I say I am going to do, doing what I believe is right, and always being honest. This is how I build trust.

Growth - This is my goal. I am always looking to grow, aiming for each day to be a little better than the day before. Reflecting to understand how I can be at my best more often. This is how I inspire change.

Making a difference - I believe we all have a responsibility to leave the world a little better off. To leave a legacy we are proud of and to always pay it forward. This is how I live my purpose.

Justine :)

P.S. I am also Mum to Nash, a lover of books and an intrepid traveler. When I'm not working you will find me:

  • On the beach (sunshine, sand and water make me smile)
  • Reading (I always have a book on the go and a few in waiting)
  • In the cinema on my own (I love the solitude)
  • Planning my next trip (Nash and I are going to spend 3 months of each year experiencing a different part of the world)
  • Moving (pilates, walking, SUPing, at the gym, playing with Nash)
  • Eating out with friends (I love good, fresh flavours and a glass of bubbles or two).
  • Taking a break (I am an extrovert who needs a little more me time as I get older with regular journalling, meditation, facials, massage, and infrared saunas)
  • Volunteering (I sit on a local board who's purpose is to 'help our locals build better lives)
Let's have a virtual coffee!